Comparing discounting across different discount functions
By default, tempodisco
allows you to fit models using a
variety of discount functions. However, this raises the question of how
you can quantify and compare overall rates of discounting between two
different discount functions. For example, it would be a mistake to
directly compare
values from the scaled exponential (Laibson, 1997) and
nonlinear-time exponential (Ebert & Prelec,
2007) discount functions, since these mean different things.
Instead, we need a model-agnostic measure of discounting. One of these
is the ED50 (Yoon &
Higgins, 2008), which is the delay at which the discount function
returns a value of 0.5, i.e. the delay at which a delayed reward’s value
is 50% of its face value. This can be computed using the
mod1 <- td_bcnm(td_bc_single_ptpt, discount_function = 'scaled-exponential')
mod2 <- td_bcnm(td_bc_single_ptpt, discount_function = 'nonlinear-time-hyperbolic')
k1 <- coef(mod1)['k']
k2 <- coef(mod2)['k']
cat(sprintf('Percentage difference in k values: %.2f%%\n', 100*abs((k1 - k2)/((k1 + k2)/2))))
#> Percentage difference in k values: 156.91%
ed501 <- ED50(mod1)
ed502 <- ED50(mod2)
cat(sprintf('Percentage difference in ED50 values: %.2f%%\n', 100*abs(ed501 - ed502)/((ed501 + ed501)/2)))
#> Percentage difference in ED50 values: 11.20%
Another option is to use the model-based area under the curve (AUC)
with the AUC
auc1 <- AUC(mod1)
auc2 <- AUC(mod2)
cat(sprintf('Percentage difference in AUC values: %.2f%%\n', 100*abs(auc1 - auc2)/((auc1 + auc2)/2)))
#> Percentage difference in AUC values: 16.75%
This latter method has the advantage of being well-defined for the “model-free” discount function, whereas the ED50 is not.