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Classic methods

For binary choice data not explicitly designed to titrate out indifference points (as in an adjusting amount procedure), there are a few widely-used traditional scoring methods to quantify discounting.

Kirby scoring

One scoring method is the one designed for the Monetary Choice Questionnaire (Kirby, 1999):

mod <- kirby_score(td_bc_single_ptpt)
#> Temporal discounting indifference point model
#> Discount function: hyperbolic, with coefficients:
#>          k 
#> 0.02176563 
#> ED50: 45.9439876371218
#> AUC: 0.0551987542147013

Although this method computes kk values according to the hyperbolic discount function, in principle it’s possible to use the exponential or power discount functions (though this is not an established practice and should be considered an experimental feature of tempodisco):

mod_exp <- kirby_score(td_bc_single_ptpt, discount_function = 'exponential')
#> Temporal discounting indifference point model
#> Discount function: exponential, with coefficients:
#>           k 
#> 0.008170247 
#> ED50: 84.8379742026149
#> AUC: 0.0335100135964859
mod_pow <- kirby_score(td_bc_single_ptpt, discount_function = 'power')
#> Temporal discounting indifference point model
#> Discount function: power, with coefficients:
#>         k 
#> 0.3052023 
#> ED50: 0.235591893994806
#> AUC: 0.1173431135372

Wileyto scoring

It is also possible to use the logistic regression method of Wileyto et al. (2004), where we can solve for the kk value of the hyperbolic discount function in terms of the regression coefficients:

mod <- wileyto_score(td_bc_single_ptpt)
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> Temporal discounting binary choice linear model
#> Discount function: hyperbolic from model hyperbolic.1, with coefficients:
#>          k 
#> 0.04372626 
#> Call:  glm(formula = fml, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = data)
#> Coefficients:
#>     .B1      .B2  
#> 0.49900  0.02182  
#> Degrees of Freedom: 70 Total (i.e. Null);  68 Residual
#> Null Deviance:       97.04 
#> Residual Deviance: 37.47     AIC: 41.47

Newer methods

Linear models

The Wileyto et al. (2004) approach turns out to be possible for other discount functions as well (Kinley, Oluwasola & Becker, 2025.):

Name Discount function Linear predictor Parameters
hyperbolic.1 Hyperbolic (Mazur, 1987):

11+kt\frac{1}{1 + kt}
β1(1vDvI)+β2t\beta_1 \left(1 - \frac{v_D}{v_I} \right) + \beta_2 t k=β2β1k = \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}
hyperbolic.2 (Mazur, 1987):

11+kt\frac{1}{1 + kt}
β1(σ1[vv𝒟]+logt)+β2\beta_1\left( \sigma^{-1}\left[\frac{v_\mathcal{I}}{v_\mathcal{D}}\right] + \log t \right) + \beta_2 k=eβ2β1k = e^\frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}
exponential.1 Exponential (Samuelson, 1937):

β1logvIvD+β2t\beta_1 \log \frac{v_I}{v_D} + \beta_2 t k=β2β1k = \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}
exponential.2 Exponential (Samuelson, 1937):

β1(G1[vv𝒟]+logt)+β2\beta_1\left( G^{-1}\left[\frac{v_\mathcal{I}}{v_\mathcal{D}}\right] + \log t \right) + \beta_2 k=eβ2β1k = e^\frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}
power Power (Harvey, 1986):

1(1+t)k\frac{1}{(1 + t)^k}
β1logvIvD+β2log(1+t)\beta_1 \log \frac{v_I}{v_D} + \beta_2 \log (1 + t) k=β2β1k = \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}
scaled-exponential Scaled exponential (beta-delta; Laibson, 1997):

wektw e^{-kt}
β1logvIvD+β2t+β3\beta_1\log\frac{v_{I}}{v_{D}} + \beta_2 t + \beta_3 k=β2β1k = \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}, w=eβ3β1w = e^{-\frac{\beta_3}{\beta_1}}
nonlinear-time-hyperbolic Nonlinear-time hyperbolic (Rachlin, 2006):

11+kts\frac{1}{1 + k t^s}
β1σ1[vIvD]+β2logt+β3\beta_1 \sigma^{-1}\left[\frac{v_{I}}{v_{D}}\right] + \beta_2\log t + \beta_3 k=eβ3β1k = e^\frac{\beta_3}{\beta_1}, s=β2β1s = \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}
nonlinear-time-exponential Nonlinear-time exponential (Ebert & Prelec, 2007):

β1G1[vv𝒟]+β2logt+β3\beta_1 G^{-1}\left[\frac{v_\mathcal{I}}{v_\mathcal{D}}\right] + \beta_2\log t + \beta_3 k=eβ3β1k = e^\frac{\beta_3}{\beta_1}, s=β2β1s = \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_1}

Where σ1[]\sigma^{-1}[\cdot] is the logit function, or the quantile function of a standard logistic distribution, and G1[]G^{-1}[\cdot] is the quantile function of a standard Gumbel distribution.

We can test all of these and select the best according to the Bayesian Information Criterion as follows:

mod <- td_bclm(td_bc_single_ptpt, model = 'all')
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> Temporal discounting binary choice linear model
#> Discount function: exponential from model exponential.2, with coefficients:
#>          k 
#> 0.01003216 
#> Call:  glm(formula = fml, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = data)
#> Coefficients:
#>     .B1      .B2  
#>   3.597  -16.553  
#> Degrees of Freedom: 70 Total (i.e. Null);  68 Residual
#> Null Deviance:       97.04 
#> Residual Deviance: 15.7  AIC: 19.7

Nonlinear models

To explore a wider range of discount functions, we can fit a nonlinear model by calling td_bcnm. The full list of built-in discount functions is as follows:

Name Functional form Other names
exponential (Samuelson, 1937) f(t;k)=ektf(t; k) = e^{-k t}
scaled-exponential (Laibson, 1997) f(t;k,w)=wektf(t; k, w) = w e^{-k t} Quasi-hyperbolic; beta-delta
nonlinear-time-exponential (Ebert & Prelec, 2007) f(t;k,s)=ektsf(t; k, s) = e^{-k t^s} Constant sensitivity
dual-systems-exponential (Ven den Bos & McClure, 2013) f(t;k1,k2,w)=wek1t+(1w)ek2tf(t; k_1, k_2, w) = w e^{-k_1 t} + (1 - w) e^{-k_2 t}
inverse-q-exponential (Green & Myerson, 2004) f(t;k,s)=1(1+kt)sf(t; k, s) = \frac{1}{(1 + k t)^s} Generalized hyperbolic (Loewenstin & Prelec); hyperboloid (Green & Myerson, 2004); q-exponential (Han & Takahashi, 2012)
hyperbolic (Mazur, 1987) f(t;k)=11+ktf(t; k) = \frac{1}{1 + kt}
nonlinear-time-hyperbolic (Rachlin, 2006) f(t;k,s)=11+ktsf(t; k, s) = \frac{1}{1 + k t^s} Power-function (Rachlin, 2006)
power (Harvey, 1986) f(t;k)=1(1+t)kf(t; k) = \frac{1}{(1 + t)^k}
mod <- td_bcnm(td_bc_single_ptpt, discount_function = 'all')
#> Temporal discounting binary choice model
#> Discount function: exponential, with coefficients:
#>          k      gamma 
#> 0.01083049 0.09341821 
#> Config:
#>  noise_dist: logis
#>  gamma_scale: linear
#>  transform: identity
#> ED50: 63.9996305466619
#> AUC: 0.0252791100912786
#> BIC: 25.9537097154224

Choice rules

Several additional arguments can be used to customize the model. For example, we can use different choice rules—the “logistic” choice rule is the default, but the “probit” and “power” choice rules are also available (see this tutorial for more details):

# Probit choice rule:
mod <- td_bcnm(td_bc_single_ptpt, discount_function = 'exponential', choice_rule = 'probit')
# Power choice rule:
mod <- td_bcnm(td_bc_single_ptpt, discount_function = 'exponential', choice_rule = 'power')

Error rates

It is also possible to fit an error rate ϵ\epsilon that describes the probability of the participant making a response error (see Vincent, 2015). I.e.: P(imm)=ϵ+(12ϵ)g1[η]P(\text{imm}) = \epsilon + (1 - 2\epsilon) g^{-1}[\eta] where P(imm)P(\text{imm}) is the probability of choosing the immediate reward, gg is the link function, and η\eta is the linear predictor.

# Select the second participant
second_ptpt_id <- unique(td_bc_study$id)[2]
df <- subset(td_bc_study, id == second_ptpt_id)
mod <- td_bcnm(df, discount_function = 'exponential', fit_err_rate = T)
plot(mod, type = 'endpoints', verbose = F)
lines(c(0, 1), c(0, 0), lty = 2)
lines(c(0, 1), c(1, 1), lty = 2)

cat(sprintf("epsilon = %.2f\n", coef(mod)['eps']))
#> epsilon = 0.11

We can see that the probability of choosing the immediate reward doesn’t approach 0 or 1 but instead approaches a value of ϵ0.11\epsilon \approx 0.11.

Fixed endpoints

Alternatively, we might expect that participants should never choose an immediate reward worth 0 and should never choose a delayed reward worth the same face amount as an immediate reward (Kinley, Oluwasola & Becker, 2025; see here for more details). We can control this by setting fixed_ends = T, which “fixes” the endpoints of the psychometric curve, where val_imm = 0 and val_imm = val_del, at 0 and 1, respectively:

mod <- td_bcnm(df, discount_function = 'exponential', fixed_ends = T)
plot(mod, type = 'endpoints', verbose = F, del = 50, val_del = 200)